Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( ) 12 , i

Book review
Editors: Jason R. Karp and Carolyn S. Smith.
Bibliographic:  ISBN: 1-4504-0467-7 (ISBN13: 978-1-4504-0467-9); 2012 by Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL 61825-5076, USA, 218 pages, paperback, $17.95.
Subjects:  Women, Menstrual Cycle, Endurance Training, Injury.
Reviewed by: Ufuk Sekir, MD, Assoc. Prof., Department of Sports Medicine, Medical School of Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
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Running for Women provides comprehensive information on training female runners based on their cardiovascular, hormonal, metabolic, muscular, and anatomical characteristics. Women will learn to maximize workouts around the menstrual cycle and to guard against common injuries, disordered eating, osteoporosis, and menstrual irregularities.
The goal of the book, as stated in the preface, is to explain what makes female runners unique and examine how these differences affect training, performance, health, and wellness.
The book is best for female runners or for sports medicine physicians, coaches and athletic trainers who work with female athletes.
The book is composed of 3 parts and 14 chapters, an appendix about evolution of women's competitive running and an index at the end of the book. The book contains 14 figures, 14 tables, and several photographs. Part I is "Physiology" including the following chapter headings; 1-"Performance factors and sex differences", 2-"Menstrual cycle, hormones, and performance", 3-"Pregnancy", 4-"Menopause", and 5-"Older runners". Part II is "Training" consisting of the chapters; 6-"Components of training", 7-"Base building", 8-"Acidosis (lactate) threshold training", 9-"Aerobic power training for VO2max", 10-"Speed and strength training", and 11-"Building your training program". Finally, Part III is "Health and Wellness" and includes the following chapters; 12- "Female athlete triad", 13-"Injuries and female runners", and 14-"Performance nutrition and female runners".
The authors of the book are highly knowledgeable and respected doctors and practitioners. The book is unique as it explains the physiology and anatomy of female endurance athletes and provides guidance for training differently from men. Furthermore, it presents guidelines for tailoring training to the menstrual cycle for maximum response and adaptation.
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